
Singles chart


1. Julie-Anne Marshall Breathe Listen on Spotify Ind
2. Carla Cargal Boss Lady Listen on Spotify Ind
3. Bec Taylor and the Lyrebirds Photograph Listen on Spotify FOG/MGM
4. Siri Lini Spice Listen on Spotify Subsequent
5. Big Merino Second Hand Smoke Listen on Spotify FOG/MGM
6. Kilbey Kennedy My Better Half Listen on Spotify FOG/MGM
7. Paul Scott Dopamine Mining Listen on Spotify FOG/MGM
8. Jamie Lindsay Here Comes The Weekend Listen on Spotify Checked Label
9. Bella Rose Shuteye Listen on Spotify Ind
10. Extra Time The Girl Who Rules The Sea Listen on Spotify FOG


Album Chart

1. Kilbey Kennedy Premonition K Listen on Spotify FOG/MGM
2. Carla Cargal Leap Year Listen on Spotify Ind
3. Siri Lini Beautiful Day Listen on Spotify Subsequent
4. Daxton Fahrenheit Listen on Spotify FOG/MGM
5. Extra Time Songs With Long Titles Listen on Spotify  FOG


Instrumental Chart


Neil Tatar

Nightwalker Listen on Spotify Tatar Associates
2 Gareth Koch Carmina Burana Listen on Spotify FOG/MGM
3. Evening Ocean The Great Love Listen on Spotify Ind

Peter Calandra

Spirit Listen on Spotify PCM
5 Bob Yonker The Seeker  Listen on Spotify Ind