Paul Scott – Back to the Old Town (New Release!)

"Paul Scott – Back to the Old Town (New Release!)"

Paul Scott’s happy and uptempo look at a childhood spent in a small town in New Zealand.  Paul’s trademark jangly and hooky indie pop guitars with some very insightful lyrics.

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Paul Scott began his career in music, writing and playing bass in angular NZ group Pop Mechanix.  Despite court cases, a revolving cast of singers and multiple record labels, their single ‘Jumping Out A Window’ became a staple of New Zealand pop culture.

Scott has since played bass for various Australian acts, playing everywhere from community halls and malls in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane to the Sydney Opera House.  More recently Scott has released ‘Surrender to Robots’ also under his ‘Insufferable’ moniker which found wide response and positive reviews.

Checkout the new single ‘Back to the Old Town’ on our Soundslikecafe Playlist 

OR Direct link right here
