Thinking of new ideas?

"Thinking of new ideas?"

Thinking of changing your menu? Here is a tip for launching new products that have stood the test of time.

Launch 1 thing at a time.

Steve Jobs – Famous 2 time owner of apple had some pretty powerful insights into how groups of people work. One important insight was – whenever Apple launched a new product, they only launched one thing at once. One iPod, one iPhone, one iPad. Sure you can provide product alterations down the track (different colours, different sizes etc.) The power from this is that all customers who try the new product have the same experience. Why does this matter you might ask? It increases the ‘shareability’ of the new product. Instead of people talking to each other and asking “have you noticed the new menu at Cafe X” they are more likely to say “You have to try the new dish/beverage at Cafe X”

gingerbread man enjoying the new ‘milk bath’ product

If you wish to completely change your menu, do it progressively. The advantage of which is that you will be able to generate hype around new products, you can remove items on the menu that are performing poorly and you don’t run the risk of upsetting regular customers.

People hate change, yet people also have a tendency to become bored with the same old, so change is essential however must be done subtly and progressively. If you launch one thing at a time every week or two weeks, you will never have a boring old menu. I wonder what Steve Jobs would be like at running a cafe?
