Matthew Labarge Releases Album ‘Psalms & Sutras’

"Matthew Labarge Releases Album ‘Psalms & Sutras’"

Thousands of years ago some people wrote poems and music that became The Book of Psalms. That collection is today held sacred by followers of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. Also thousands of years ago, other people wrote poems and music that became the Sutras that are held sacred by followers of Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism. Just as one might expect, to read the Psalms and read the Sutras, we encounter some drastic and fascinatingly different experiences.

But as I did this late last year, I found myself more surprised by the similarities. While the outward details are often as disparate as could be, in both experiences we find ourselves in the company of people who are trying to live a better life and to best appreciate the life they have. They share with us hopes and fears, regrets and joys, what it is to live a day, what it is to live a year, and what they hope it is to live a life best.

Here are some of my reflections on these messages from those who came long before us.

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Matthew Labarge has released seven albums of solo piano music, eight albums of mixed instruments as Larkenlyre, and an album of pirate-themed lounge music as Cane Bay Cabaret. He works tirelessly in a tiny studio in Blacksburg, Virginia to bring you albums that unfold like a novel, are worth listening to carefully, and still yield new insights after many listens.

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