Jim Samuel – New single It’s a Wrap

"Jim Samuel – New single It’s a Wrap"

Jim Samuel is the former keyboardist and songwriter with the Conchords, the R&B recording group with hits in the 60’s and 70’s. He has enjoyed performing with R&B icons like Stevie Wonder, Ray Charles  as well as pop superstars the Beach Boys and The Who. His new single It’s a Wrap features on Soundslikecafe this month.


After leaving the music industry and building a successful business career over the past 30 years, Jim returned to music a few years back and has enjoyed success in the contemporary jazz world. He has written and produced Top 20 charted songs while performing with jazz greats like Gerald Albright, Rob Tardik and Darryl Walker. Over the past year he had his song Now That You’re Gone used by the Bosch TV/ Novel franchise and performed his latest single It’s a Wrap with Kevin Walker of Prince/ Justin Timberlake fame. Jim is currently working on more songs for a 2019 album  release. 

You can checkout a tune from Jim on our new playlist here

Plus all of his release can be found at


And if you prefer a stream just listen right here and now!!