Kate Ceberano -Kensal Road (Espresso Service)

"Kate Ceberano -Kensal Road (Espresso Service)"
Kate Ceberano
‘Kensal Road’ (Sony Music)

Kensal Road is a collection of the first recordings of original material from celebrated Australian artist Kate Ceberano in ten years.

During this time, Kate has dedicated herself to her role as mother, ambassador, for the National Breast Cancer Foundation and Berlei, and numerous successful artistic ventures that include recording cover albums, roles on TV, theatre, and work as Artistic Director for the Adelaide Cabaret Festival, resulting in record-breaking ticket sales this year.

Ultimately, Kat Ceberano is an esteemed singer/songwriter and it is to this arena she returns with ‘Kensal Road’

Musically, ‘Kensal Road’ echoes Kate’s early musical influences of Hawaiian folk music and Fleetwood Mac, but equally the music reflects the very current sounds of the nu-folk and nu-country movement, reflected in such singer/songwriters like Mumford & Sons and Laura Marling

Kensal Road is available in stores and on iTunes now.


1. Garden State
2. You and I
3. So Far From Home
4. Champion
5. Have It All
6. Magnet
7. Louis’ Song
8. My Heavy Heart
9. Jez
10. How High
11. The Little Things.